Location: Wisconsin, United States

I am a convert to the Catholic Church after serving in ordained ministry for more than nine years in another denomination. I hold a bachelor's degree in history, a master's degree in historical theology, and another in systematic theology, and am currently working (very slowly) on my doctorate. I work in Christian Education and Formation and teach at the University level. I am blessed with a wonderful wife and eight great kids! When I'm not studying, reading, or blogging, I enjoy eating and drinking! Like Bilbo Baggins, I have been specializing in food for many years, and my table has a high reputation!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


After months of speculation, it has finally been formally announced that Pope Benedict XVI will beatify the Venerable Servant of God, John Henry, Cardinal Newman during his pilgrimage to England and Scotland.

For me personally, this is a momentous occasion. It was the reading of Newman's "Apologia" that really began to turn wheels in my mind and heart, culminating in my own crossing of the Tiber in 2005.

What is even more remarkable is that the Holy Father will be officiating at the Beatification service himself. During the nearly 5 years of his Pontificate, Pope Benedict has delegated Beatification ceremonies, typically to the local Ordinaries. This one he's doing himself.

What is also exciting is the fact that the Holy Father is actually making a pilgrimage -- indeed a Pastoral Visit -- to the UK -- the first Pastoral Visit by a Pope to England's "Green and Pleasant Lands" since that nasty little bit of unpleasantness known as the Protestant Reformation!

May God grant that this visit by Pope Benedict XVI -- the Pope of Christian Unity -- may further the day when all the children of Canterbury are finally home.


Papa Z.

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