Papa Z's Views and Comments

Location: Wisconsin, United States

I am a convert to the Catholic Church after serving in ordained ministry for more than nine years in another denomination. I hold a bachelor's degree in history, a master's degree in historical theology, and another in systematic theology, and am currently working (very slowly) on my doctorate. I work in Christian Education and Formation and teach at the University level. I am blessed with a wonderful wife and eight great kids! When I'm not studying, reading, or blogging, I enjoy eating and drinking! Like Bilbo Baggins, I have been specializing in food for many years, and my table has a high reputation!

Monday, March 02, 2009


Today would have been the 105th birthday of Dr. Seuss! The school attached to the parish where I work served "Green Eggs and Ham" for lunch! And Google has changed its nameplate today in the good Doctor's honor!

I don't know about you, my eight faithful readers, but Dr. Seuss was a delight for me as a child and is just as much a delight for me now that I am a father myself! (I might add that his book for adults -- "The Seven Lady Godivas" is wonderfully hysterical! And no, it's not "R" rated! Just think Dr. Seuss' humor, and extrapolate!)

Rest in Peace, Dr. Seuss -- and THANKS!

Papa Z

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